
Medi Headquarters

meet me at marketplace

Typology Office Place Bayreuth Construction volume GFA of approx. 10.470 m² GIV 50.127 m³ Client medi GmbH & Co. KG Realisation 2019-2023 Study direct commissioning 2017


Photo Andreas Horsky
Photo Felix Meyer

320 workplaces under one roof

#Address-forming extension of the company headquarters #Flexible working environment #Development core as a walk-in spatial sculpture #Central open ‘marketplace’ as the communicative heart of the building

The headquarters of medi, a manufacturer of medical aids, in Bayreuth has been extended to include a new administration building with around 320 workstations. The striking, pentagonal tower, with a projection above the 5th floor, floats above a transparent, arcade-lined base floor. This contains the central “marketplace”, the communicative center of the new building, it establishes the connection to the existing buildings and opens up to the surroundings in an inviting gesture.

The cubature and orientation of the tower is developed from the structural references to existing buildings and studies of the long-distance effect and forms a landmark visible from afar. It thus documents its significance as the new center of the company headquarters.

Model studies
Photo Felix Meyer
Development of cubature
Photo Felix Meyer

The rotation of the tower creates exciting visual relationships without blocking the view into the depths. It elegantly turns towards visitors with its narrow view.

The cubature and orientation of the tower above developed from the structural references to existing buildings and studies of the long-distance effect.

Kilian Kada

Site plan
Photo Felix Meyer

The filigree arcade encloses the base floor, creates a new covered connection to the parking lot and also provides sun protection.

Marketplace as a communicative meeting place

Photo Felix Meyer

The inviting base floor with its over-height glazing and delicate steel post-and-beam construction is designed as a marketplace – an open spatial structure with green inner courtyards, reception, exhibition area, restaurant, terrace and conference zone. It is the communicative meeting point for all employees and guests and forms the heart of the new building.

Photo Felix Meyer
Photo Felix Meyer
Base level with the "market square"

1 Reception
2 Exhibition area
3 Green inner courtyards
4 Conference zone
5 Restaurant
6 Terrace

Marketplace model on the ground floor

1 Empfang
2 Ausstellungsbereich
3 begrünte Innenhöfe
4 Konferenzzone
5 Restaurant
6 Terrasse


Photo Felix Meyer

On the upper floors of the new medi administration building, open, flexible multi-space work environments have been created that offer a variety of informal meeting places and a special interior design.

The workstations are supplemented by shared “plus zones”, which are linked to the circulation core and transform it into a walk-in sculpture. These areas offer individually created, diverse places for exchange between employees in the form of meeting rooms, lounges and coffee points, as well as small libraries or intensive workstations. They are designed to meet the needs of employees and specialist departments, both across floors and floor by floor.

In the most attractive places in the tower, in the corners of the façade, additional retreats and meeting points have been created for employees, and the bright, friendly circulation routes also create communication and recreation zones for informal discussions through partial widening.

Photo Felix Meyer
Standard floor
Model photo kadawittfeldarchitektur

So-called, shared “plus zones” are attached to the access core and transform it into a walk-in sculpture.

Section BIM-model
Photo Felix Meyer
Photo Felix Meyer

The tower’s double-skin façade construction with a special box-type window construction enables individual, manual ventilation and wind and weather-protected guidance of the sun protection.

Photo Felix Meyer

The management floor on the 7th floor also has an open design and is connected to the 8th floor via a spiral staircase, which covers around 2/3 of the floor area as a staggered floor. In addition to the boardroom, there is a large conference zone, the Innolab with creative workstations, product development and exhibition areas and, adjacent to this, a spacious roof terrace with a fantastic view.

Photo Felix Meyer
July 17th, 2019
Interior Model is going home tomorrow!????

On our 1:50 scale model, we developed the interior concept for the central open ‘market square’ on the ground floor, which will serve as a meeting point for all employees and guests with a reception area, restaurant with terrace and a shared conference zone.

Photo Felix Meyer
Photo Felix Meyer
Photo Felix Meyer

Die „Multi-Space-Arbietswelten, Meeting- und Präsentationsbereiche verweisen mit ihrer Interiorgestaltung und Materialauswahl auf die Firmengeschichte. Die verwendeten Materialien und Oberflächen erinnern an die Gewebe- und Produktentwicklungen des Unternehmens im Hightech- und High Fashion-Bereich und schaffen zusammen mit dem prägnanten Farbkonzept ein atmosphärisches Interior Design.

Product rubelli

The “multi-space work environments, meeting and presentation areas refer to the company’s history with their interior design and choice of materials. The materials and surfaces used are reminiscent of the company’s fabric and product developments in the high-tech and high fashion sector and, together with the striking color concept, create an atmospheric interior design.